On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 8:02 AM, Scott Ritchie<sc...@open-vote.org> wrote:
> My overall goal for them is to replace them with dynamically generated
> statistics based.  Some possible things to use:
>  - Bugzilla stats, especially a chart of open 1.2 bugs and total New bugs
>  - Winetest coverage (based on gcov)
>  - Winetest results
>  - Austin's test suite results (especially if we get a good number of
> tests for apps that aren't yet working)
>  - AppDB stats
> I'll work on some of this after I go through the rest of the WineHQ.org
> pages (eg the About page), which also need cleanup.

I would add it would be nice to show how much of the API is documented
vs exported. We could keep a similar structure to the page we have now
but pull data from


and show how well documented the functionality we export is covered.

Steven Edwards

"There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world, and
that is an idea whose time has come." - Victor Hugo

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