Owen Rudge schrieb:
>> Ah, I see, no, it won't link I think without static. Some time ago I
>> thought about adding v6util.c back and move code here, I'm not very
>> familiar with makefile generation but I think we could place this new
>> v6util.c into C_SRCS section of test makefile (if it's allowed of
>> course, but I think if it isn't we should enabled it someway). After
>> that it will build as any other module does.
> I think when I tried that (using C_SRCS), the makefile simply didn't
> pick it up at all. You'd need to alter the makefile rules a bit higher
> up the chain I think for that to work. And of course, including
> v6utils.c in the same manner as the other source files will result in an
> empty test being added.
> Also, André, would it perhaps make sense for you to put your manifest
> generation/child process running code in v6utils.h along with the other
> manifest code? The code may well be useful for other tests that use the
> v6 controls (if not now then perhaps in th future, if they encounter the
> same issues you did).
> Cheers,
Of course i am willing to do so, but the Problem is that if someone want to use 
the "new" functions, they would run into the same warnings as i do atm.
So first we need a solution.

Best Regards, André Hentschel

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