2009/11/15 Mikey Alexander <fireswor...@yahoo.com>:
> You really don't want to skip this one as the api is supposed to create the 
> window, but you can't be absolutely sure it is a failure, hence the error 
> message being what it is.  If you are going to skip the timeout if it fails, 
> why bother checking for the window creation at all?
> The real question is what is the real worst case expected time to wait before 
> failing because the window was not created?  I upped it to 45 seconds.
> I could have implemented a window message thread to detect the window 
> creation, but it doesn't change the problem.  Window creation is not given a 
> deadline.  10 seconds was obviously too short.  Several machines failed on 
> the first longer load with 10 seconds and a couple failed most of the 
> timeouts with 10 seconds.
> I'd be more than willing to up the timeout longer, but if you really do 
> encounter a failure, it makes the failed test take that much longer.
> - Mikey
I think you misunderstood me. The window is created but as you're
searching for a "Startup" window's title it fails on localized
systems. So the test is not completely correct and only work on
English system. That's why I proposed to skip the two tests on (and
only on) such systems.

I'll try to use a window message thread to see if it helps.

PS: Please bottom post on wine-devel

Nicolas Le Cam

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