> Hello,
> Well I'm mostly interested in the texture code, but I probably shouldn't
> begin with that. So I'll take the font code. It's not really a critical
> part so I can take my time doing it and learning wine development
> without conflicts with my normal schedule. Then if the texture code is
> still in limbo I'll be glad to do it.
> I'll try to talk to you on IRC sometimes next week, although I probably
> won't start working on it until the week after. What timezone/hour are
> you generally available?
> Greetings.
fwiw: http://whatismytimezone.com/ says my timezone is GMT+1
what I can tell for sure is, I live in Germany ;)

Anyway, I'm nearly always on IRC when I'm home, so I hope there
shouldn't be that much of a problem contacting me.
(I'm reachable between 3pm and 8 pm of my time then)

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