On Do, 2010-03-04 at 09:20 -0800, Eric Ho wrote:
Hi Eric.
Welcome to Wine.

> Fixes http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=21344.  Overflows fixed:
> 1. overflow due to long path name (unchecked memcpy,strcpy to thisDir)
> 2. overflow due to long file name (unchecked strcpy into stemofsearch)
> 3. overflow due to concatenating thisDir into stemofsearch (strcat)
> 4. added early breaks when getFullPathName returns an error
> 5. fixed incorrect errorlevel code (needs to be 9023 and it was 9009)

Only fix one problem in a patch please.
This list is a good indicator, how to split your patch.
Use wine-patc...@winehq.org for the updated patchset.

Thanks for helping WIne

By by ... Detlef

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