Am 01.04.2010 um 11:24 schrieb Roderick Colenbrander:
> First of all welcome to Wine. Myself I'm a bit worried about whether
> we should improve our DOS support even further. The problem is that
> more and more people are moving over to 64-bit Linux. While you can
> run 32-bit programs on a 64-bit system, there is no protected mode
> support (vm86; there is emulation in some cases using a kernel
> module).
There's protected mode 32 bit, protected mode 16 bit, but no vm86 16 bit. So no 
real mode apps in Wine. We'd need to integrate a CPU emulator or JIT compiler 
into Wine to get this working.

There are a surprising big number of Win95 area apps that have an installer 
that starts off in vm86 mode...

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