On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 7:24 PM, Vincent Povirk
<madewokherd+8...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> If you want to do something in the .NET area perhaps some work can be
>> done on Mono integration (see the mono topic Vincent started) and the
>> wiki (http://wiki.winehq.org/Mono).
> While this has the advantage of being an area where no one has done
> any serious work yet (and therefore, there is likely low-hanging
> fruit), I don't know how you could focus this so that the scope is
> clear and it is easily quantified.
> I also don't have a sense yet of what working on Mono in Wine is like.
> I'm still a Mono noob, as I've done no real development there.
> I think that something useful could come out of such a project, but I
> cannot predict what.

Perhaps there are some apps which mix .NET and win32 (I mean mixing in
a nice way and not overriding wndproc and evil stuff). Years ago
Paint.NET was ported over to Mono. I don't remember what they did but
I guess they mainly removed some win32isms. The code to paint.net used
to be available (I think the 3.0 source still is). You could check if
it is a well behaving .NET app which uses win32. Getting Paint.NET
working on mono+wine could be a good test case. Note since both of you
are in MSP that might have advantages as well.


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