KDE used to have a plugin called 'reaktivate' which was also something similar.


On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 3:52 PM, Tom Wickline <twickl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> e.g. CrossOver Plugin thats now part of CrossOver Office...
> :)
> Tom
> On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 4:24 PM, Joni Salmela <joni.salm...@hesburger.fi> 
> wrote:
>> I have an idea how to get native windows mozilla plugins to work in
>> native Linux mozilla...
>> as you know in Chrome each new tab is its own independent process yet
>> they all share a parent x-window so... if you could create a Windows
>> which would host an active-x plugin or just the mozilla NP_PAPI plugin
>> it could serve as an wrapper okay so create a generic "plugin wrapper"
>> for mozilla and start a new instance of wine the application that hosts
>> the active-x plugin and set its parent as the mozillas window... this
>> hosting an Active-X plugin via NP_PAPI does work in Windows btw...
>> sincerely Joni Salmela.
>> joni.salm...@hesburger.fi
> --
> http://www.freewear.org/?search=FW0044+FW0045

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