shows yesterday's wine's performance compared to today's.

Comparing wine-1.1.44-19 with wine-1.1.44-72
benchmark_variable        wine-1.1.44-19 wine-1.1.44-72 ratio
3dmark06_3DMark_Score     3377.00        3388.00        1.00
3dmark2000_3DMark_Result  16662.00       16917.00       1.02
3dmark2001_3DMark_Score   15691.00       17633.00       1.12
heaven2_d3d9_FPS          9.31           11.08          1.19
heaven2_gl_FPS            16.12          16.21          1.01

Golly, looks like
was a win.

Here are a few notes about the raw results.

A couple benchmarks (really short ones?) seem to have strongly bimodal
distributions on Wine.
For instance, here are ten measurements on each OS of

wine-1.1.44-19 1.33  1.36  1.36  1.36  1.37  1.37  1.37  1.37  1.37  1.37
wine-1.1.44-72 1.30  1.31  1.31  1.31  1.31  1.32  1.32  1.32  1.32  1.38
Vista          1.39  1.39  1.39  1.39  1.39  1.39  1.39  1.39  1.39  1.39

For some reason, today's wine usually had the slow result, whereas yesterday
it usually had the fast result. Vista didn't suffer from this, and was
slightly faster, too.
Why does Wine return a slow result sometimes?

3dmark2000_Game_1_Helicopter_High_Detail was quite variable under Wine
(and slightly better today), but hardly varied at all on Vista:
wine-1.1.44-19 133.70 133.90 141.60 145.00 145.40 151.60 159.30 161.80
164.40 173.60
wine-1.1.44-72 139.50 144.70 154.10 157.40 157.90 162.40 170.50 178.80
180.80 198.60
Vista          281.60 282.50 282.90 283.20 283.40 283.60 283.70 283.80
284.00 284.50

What can explain such variability?

heaven2_d3d9_FPS, on the other hand, didn't vary much on Wine - and was
quite a bit better today:
wine-1.1.44-19  9.23  9.28  9.30  9.30  9.30  9.31  9.31  9.32  9.32  9.32

wine-1.1.44-72 11.05 11.07 11.07 11.07 11.08 11.08 11.08 11.09 11.10 11.10
Vista          18.37 18.37 18.38 18.38 18.38 18.38 18.38 18.38 18.38 18.38

Perhaps I should strip down my system and run fvwm95 rather than Gnome,
to see if I can reduce the noise a bit more.
- Dan

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