ryan woodsmall wrote:
I'm not convinced direct linking will work better on Mac OS X, unless
you ship libpng and libjpeg with Wine.

And libgnutls (plus prereqs libgpg-error & libgcrypt). And libgphoto2, libexif, libtiff, libgsm, libjbig... - there's a laundry list of libraries that are required for a full-featured Wine install, and prereqs of prereqs, prereqs of THOSE. You get the point. Static libraries on Mac OS X/Darwin also misbehave in odd ways that you simply don't see with dylibs as well.

Does not Wine's configure not include these if they are not found?

Yes, a MacOSX build should either:

1.  Get them.
2. Ship with them, build for the LCD MacOSX version (right now that it is, believe it or not, Tiger [MacOSX 10.4.11].) MacOSX does not include many UNIX type programs and utilities because they are not used in the base product. MacPorts and Fink are two porting efforts to bring UNIX utilities/programs to MacOSX and most of the utilities can be built from source.

However, MacOSX Wine distributors cannot rely on which version of a utility I installed and even if I did.

Many MacOSX users have been quietly surprised when their favorite Windows program causes a complete system lockup because of a faulty or incomplete Wine installation....

James McKenzie

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