On 06/03/2010 03:45 PM,  (Marvin) wrote:

While running your changed tests on Windows, I think I found new failures.
Being a bot and all I'm not very good at pattern recognition, so I might be
wrong, but could you please double-check?
Full results can be found at

Your paranoid android.

=== W98SE (32 bit db) ===
Failure running script in VM: Exceeded timeout limit of 315 sec

=== WNT4WSSP6 (32 bit db) ===

Hi Matijn,

This is not your doing. A patch from Andre Eikum is the culprit here "msi: Publish icons into the correct directory". It uses SHGetFolderPathA which is not implemented on Win9x/NT4.

Andrew, could you have a look?



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