On Sun, Jun 20, 2010 at 1:46 PM, Alan W. Irwin
<ir...@beluga.phys.uvic.ca> wrote:
> So for mingw32-make our wine startup latencies are essentially identical
> (near 150 ms) and substantially worse than the Windows numbers (30 ms) and
> much worse than the Linux numbers (~1 ms).  "make" startup latency matters
> for builds configured by CMake because typically the top-level Makefile
> is configured in a way to run make many times per
> build.
> "cmake" startup latency also matters a lot because special modes for it are
> used during the build (typically two times per object file that is compiled
> by gcc) to figure out dependencies, keep track of progress, etc. If you are
> game for one more download (from
> http://cmake.org/cmake/resources/software.html) what are your cmake
> --version startup latency numbers?
> In sum, you do have one rather large startup latency for mingw32-make that
> agrees with mine and which confirms the problem in that case and a much
> shorter startup latency for an old version of MinGW compared to mine.  So
> the results are currently ambiguous, but we will find out more if you are
> willing to do the appropriate downloads of CMake and modern MinGW gcc.
> Thanks for your continuing help in narrowing down the factor(s) that are
> killing performance for CMake-based builds under Wine.
> Alan

I'd test further but unfortunately it seems as though my video card
(nvidia 8800) has bought the farm - no video signal at POST following
a system freeze, which leaves me with only a Windows laptop.


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