On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 7:01 PM,  <joerg-cyril.hoe...@t-systems.com> wrote:
> Do you get different results when doing the following:
> # assuming C: is where %WINDOWSDIR% resides

There's a %WINDIR% which is c:\windows

> C:
> cd \
> X:    # which dir on X should not matter
> Y:\path\to\kernel32_test.exe volume

Passes outside of MinGW.

> C:
> cd \windows
> X:
> Y:\path\to\kernel32_test.exe volume
> # X: must not be C:; Y: can be any drive

Passes outside of MinGW.

> For completion, you could check whether you get different results when
> invoking the test.exe with current directory
> a) C:\          # many GetVolumeInfo tests are skipped
> b) C:\windows   # dito
> c) X:\          with \windows as CD on C:
> d) X:\anysubdir with \windows as CD on C:
> e) X:\anysubdir with \ as CD on C:
> f) X:\          with \ as CD on C:
> I think that if SetEnv has no effect you'll get different failures.
> I.e. this batch file
> C:
> CD \
> Y:\path\to\kernel32_test.exe volume
> CD windows
> Y:\path\to\kernel32_test.exe volume
> X:
> CD \
> Y:\path\to\kernel32_test.exe volume
> CD \anysubdir
> Y:\path\to\kernel32_test.exe volume
> C:
> CD \
> X:
> Y:\path\to\kernel32_test.exe volume
> CD \
> Y:\path\to\kernel32_test.exe volume

No failures outside of MinGW.
Inside MinGW, I invoke cmd to run the batch file:

je...@jeffz-pc ~/Desktop
$ cmd
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6002]
Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.



c:\Users\jeffz\Desktop>CD \

c:\>c:\users\jeffz\Desktop\kernel32_test.exe volume
volume.c:365: Test failed: GetVolumeInformationA did not fail, last error 373
volume.c:384: Test failed: GetVolumeInformationA did not fail, last error 373
volume: 406 tests executed (0 marked as todo, 2 failures), 0 skipped.

c:\>CD windows

c:\Windows>c:\users\jeffz\Desktop\kernel32_test.exe volume
volume.c:395: Test failed: GetVolumeInformationA failed, last error 123
volume.c:406: Test failed: GetVolumeInformationA failed, last error 123
volume: 406 tests executed (0 marked as todo, 2 failures), 0 skipped.


D:\>CD \

D:\>c:\users\jeffz\Desktop\kernel32_test.exe volume
volume: 406 tests executed (0 marked as todo, 0 failures), 0 skipped.

D:\>CD \recovery

D:\RECOVERY>c:\users\jeffz\Desktop\kernel32_test.exe volume
volume: 406 tests executed (0 marked as todo, 0 failures), 0 skipped.


c:\Windows>CD \


D:\RECOVERY>c:\users\jeffz\Desktop\kernel32_test.exe volume
volume: 406 tests executed (0 marked as todo, 0 failures), 0 skipped.


D:\>c:\users\jeffz\Desktop\kernel32_test.exe volume
volume: 406 tests executed (0 marked as todo, 0 failures), 0 skipped.



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