
>if I:
>> resume c # yields MCIERR_HARDWARE
>nothing printed
This is not compatible with the test that does not report failure on your 
+    err = mciSendString("resume c", buf, sizeof(buf), hwnd);
+    ok(err == MCIERR_HARDWARE, "resume without play: %s\n", dbg_mcierr(err)); 
Does any of the previous commands provoke this difference?

>> play from <1_or_last_track> notify
play c from 1 notify
play c from 1 to 2
play c to 12
play c from 12

>It stopped accepting input, any letters, return were all blocked -
>nothing except ^C.
Works for me.

>Every track is listed as audio, meanwhile I see the drive with
>included programs etc is mapped in explorer.
This is behaviour unseen on the w95, w2k and wxp machines
that I had access to, with my mixed data+audio CD.

Your machine's behaviour is mystery to me. Is mcicdda that unreliable???

 Jörg Höhle

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