On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 7:02 PM, Hin-Tak Leung <hintak_le...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> The installer of one application I have requires Net 3.5 and refuses to
> install
> if it is not detected. Yet it runs adequately well with mono 2.6.x (when
> installed to Vista then copied over). So I am wondering if there should be a
> winetrick "lie about having .net 3.5" registry setting, and go about seeing
> what needs to be done - e.g. how is that installer detecting dot net 3.5 ?

Sure, a fakedotnet35 verb seems like a fine thing for the short term, if it
makes an app happy.  Or maybe it should be added to the mono26 verb.

Ideally Wine would load mono and set those variables automatically, but it
might be a while before somebody has the time to make it all work
smoothly like that.

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