On Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 8:34 AM, Rosanne DiMesio <dime...@earthlink.net> wrote:
> On Thu, 9 Sep 2010 00:59:32 -0700
> Dan Kegel <d...@kegel.com> wrote:
>> Watching Twitter, one fairly frequently seems people trying
>> and failing to run iTunes 10 and the like in Wine.
>> Should we let them bash their heads against the wall like that?
>> Maybe we should detect the top ten apps that don't work
>> with Wine, and put up a warning dialog saying they are
>> known not to work, and people shouldn't try.
>> (Kind of like what Windows 7 does when you do something
>> dangerous, e.g. try to look at the contents of drive C:.)
> Do you really want to prevent users from ever testing these apps in new 
> versions of Wine, or trying to find workarounds? I do a fair amount of 
> head-bashing myself, and I would find such a message patronizing and 
> intrusive.

Agreed. Wine doesn't make efforts to babysit users for most other
things, I don't see why this should be any different.

Also consider that if such a workaround were to go into wine, that
code may long outlive the 'affected apps', and the list would quickly
grow out of date.

I suppose if a packager wanted to do something like this for their
distro I wouldn't complain too much, unless users started asking about
it in #winehq/the forums. But this _should not_ go into vanilla wine.


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