On 2011-01-07 (January, Friday) 18:59:50 Jeremy Newman wrote:
> First I've heard of this.

        I guess you do not check your PMs very often: after I wrote message to 
wine-devel I looked into my history of sent PMs in the forum and PM I sent to 
you at Dec 07, 2010 was still in "Outbox" (in phpBB it means it was 
successfully sent but was not yet opened by the recipient, completely different 
thing than in e-mail clients). Now it finally was opened by you. If I checked 
status of the PM sooner I would notice that you do not read private messages in 
the forum and tried to use e-mail to contact you but I didn't thought of this 
because even if you do not login to forum often you should have received e-mail 
notification about new PM.

> It seems the queue was corrupt. I've worked to clean it out and new 
> messages should be routing through again.

        OK, thank you very much for fixing this problem. In case it happens 
I will use e-mail to contact you.

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