The failed tests worry me since it passes on linux with a native
d3dx9_36 dll. Have you tried a native d3dx9_36 with wine? Do the tests
still fail?


On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 8:48 AM, Matteo Bruni <> wrote:
> 2011/1/20 Travis Athougies <>:
>> +static void test_setting_basic_table(IDirect3DDevice9 *device)
>> +{
>> +    static const D3DXMATRIX mvp = {
>> +        0.514f, 0.626f, 0.804f, 0.786f,
>> +        0.238f, 0.956f, 0.374f, 0.483f,
>> +        0.109f, 0.586f, 0.900f, 0.255f,
>> +        0.898f, 0.411f, 0.932f, 0.275f};
> This throws some warnings here. Apparently you have to put some
> additional braces around that initializer.
> +    ok(out[0] == (float)iarray[0] && out[4] == (float)iarray[1] &&
> out[8] == (float)iarray[2] &&
> +            out[12] == (float)iarray[3], "SetIntArray did not
> properly set a float array: out={%f, %f, %f, %f}, should"
> +            " be {%d, %d, %d, %d}\n", out[0], out[4], out[8],
> out[12], iarray[0], iarray[1], iarray[2], iarray[3]);
> The float casts are unneeded.
> The tests look generally OK to me otherwise, albeit they are somewhat
> wordy. Oh, please notice that some tests fail on Windows. The testbot
> can't create a d3d device so it skips these tests, but on my Win7 box
> I get this:
> shader.c:462: Test failed: The first row of mvp was not set correctly, got 
> {0.51
> 4000, 0.238000, 0.109000, 0.898000}, should be {0.514000, 0.626000, 0.804000, 
> 0.
> 786000}
> shader.c:465: Test failed: The second row of mvp was not set correctly, got 
> {0.6
> 26000, 0.956000, 0.586000, 0.411000}, should be {0.238000, 0.956000, 
> 0.374000, 0
> .483000}
> shader.c:468: Test failed: The third row of mvp was not set correctly, got 
> {0.80
> 4000, 0.374000, 0.900000, 0.932000}, should be {0.109000, 0.586000, 0.900000, 
> 0.
> 255000}
> shader.c:471: Test failed: The fourth row of mvp was not set correctly, got 
> {0.7
> 86000, 0.483000, 0.255000, 0.275000}, should be {0.898000, 0.411000, 
> 0.932000, 0
> .275000}
> shader.c:530: Test failed: The excess elements of the array were not set 
> correct
> ly, out={0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000}, should be {0.010000, 
> 0.020000,
>  0.030000, 0.040000}
> shader: 248 tests executed (0 marked as todo, 5 failures), 0 skipped.
> The matrix seems to have its rows and columns switched (probably this
> has to do with row-major vs column-major matrix storage -
> So you have to fix your SetMatrixArray implementation to account for
> that (and update the tests accordingly). The other failing test shows
> that actually the excess elements are not set, apparently.
> A last thing. I noticed that you never set the vertex shader in the
> d3d9 device. I'd say: don't change that. This shows that
> ID3DXConstantTable doesn't pay attention to the vertex shader
> currently set and it is responsibility of the application programmer
> to call these functions with the correct shader program.

Travis Athougies

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