On 21/01/11 13:21, James McKenzie wrote:
As far as I knew from information I gathered here, the only OS that supports OpenCL was MacOSX. Sorry for the misleading information.

I developed wine OpenCL support under Gentoo, using the Gentoo provided NVidia drivers and NVidia CUDA packages. I'm not sure if anyone got it working on OSX.

You should be able to:

1. Install the NVidia drivers
2. Install NVidia CUDA/OpenCL SDK
3. Make a link /usr/include/CL -> /opt/cuda/include/CL (or wherever you installed the SDK)

After that, configure should find OpenCL and use it.

If you want RPMs or other distro specific packages, hassle your distribution maintainers. (Or switch to Gentoo ;-)

Both AMD and Intel also have OpenCL implementations/SDKs available. Their distro support varies.

Best regards,

    Peter Urbanec

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