On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 6:08 PM, Juan Lang <juan.l...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> As Henri said, it's that it's a set of external dependencies (not just one; 
>> GnuTLS has its own dependencies) and that they are security-related.  To the 
>> greatest extent practical, security-related libraries should come from one's 
>> distro or OS vendor.
> Sure, I can buy that.  I'll note that OpenSSL is also available for
> the Mac, and already loaded by wininet and winhttp.  It could be
> appropriate to move from GnuTLS to OpenSSL for schannel, so we'd only
> have a single implementation for both Linux and Mac in schannel.

Just to be clear, legal issues were raised once before with OpenSSL.
See here for Geoff Thorpe's reply regarding this issue:

It sounds like things aren't nearly as murky as other licenses, but if
we were in the position where we had to ship OpenSSL ourselves we
might run into a problem.


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