Hello Mr.Le Cam

On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 10:07 PM, Nicolas Le Cam <niko.le...@gmail.com>wrote:

> 2011/2/8 Loïc Maury <lma...@gmail.com>
>> Hello Mr.Timoshkov,
>> Thank you for your reply.
>>> Loīc Maury<lma...@gmail.com>  wrote:
>>>  After the various comments, I have modified the patch.
>>> First of all set your tab size to 8, and ask your editor to not use tabs
>>> at all.
>> I have modified my editor, but I don't know if it 's correct now ?
>>> +       TRACE("(%s, %s, %p, %d, %d)\n",debugstr_w(printer->name)
>>>> +                 ,debugstr_w(printer->printername)
>>>> +                 ,printer->backend_printer
>>>> +                 ,printer->queue->ref
>>>> +                 ,list_count(&printer->queue->jobs));
>>> TRACE() with the API parameters usually is the very first statement in
>>> the API implementation, comma should be placed at the end of the
>>> statement,
>>> not before.
>> Ok, I have remplaced this TRACE().
>>> +                               GetPrinterW(hPrinter, 2, NULL,
>>>> 0,&needed);
>>>> +                               pi2 = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0,
>>>> needed);
>>>> +                               GetPrinterW(hPrinter, 2, (LPBYTE)pi2,
>>>> needed,&needed);
>>> You need to check the return value of GetPrinterW() and handle the
>>> errors.
>> Ok
>>> +       if(pi2)
>>>> +               HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pi2);
>>> NULL check before HeapFree() is not needed.
>> Ok, I have removed the NULL check.
>>  + TRACE("return %d\n", ret);
>>> This trace is redundant.
>> Ok, I have removed this TRACE().
>> I have make an other patch.
>> Thank you
>> Loīc
> Hi Loïc,
> In addition to Dmitry and Andrew comments, you're adding a lot of trailing
> spaces (git apply output : warning: squelched 22 whitespace errors warning:
> 27 lines add whitespace errors.), there's also no need for an extra newline
> after the end label.
Now, The patch is correct ?

Thank you


> --
> Nicolas Le Cam

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