On 08/19/2011 05:10 PM, joerg-cyril.hoe...@t-systems.com wrote:
> Maarten Lankhorst wrote:
> [nice to hear from you]
>>>  IMHO AudioClient_Stop must not map to 
>>> snd_pcm_drop.  It is more like snd_pcm_pause. Or perhaps simply lead 
>>> ALSA into an underrun.
>> afaict pause, with reset mapped to drop,
> Indeed.  But I believe I need a fallback because ALSA says that
> pause "works only on the hardware which supports" it.
>> I can't remember why pause didn't work, but if it works go for it.
> I was solely thinking aloud that pause is TRT, not tried out yet.
> However, I received test results from a "Windows 7 Ultimate" machine.
> It exhibits a similar bug -- in exclusive mode only:
> render.c:948: Test failed: Position 18191 too far after 100ms
> Shared mode works as my tests expect it (<= 48000/10 frames).
>>> +    snd_pcm_status_alloca(&status);
>> HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_FLAG, snd_pcm_status_sizeof())
>> or something like that if available please..
> Really? I don't want to go through the overhead of memory allocation
> when all I need is a stupid small amount of stack allocated memory.
>>> +    if(!This->initted){
>>> +        return AUDCLNT_E_NOT_INITIALIZED;
>> Unneeded part.
> Can't you obtain a handle to that COM object prior to
> calling Initialize which sets This->fmt?
>> Follow that flow..
> I beg your pardon?
IAudioClock is not available until Initialize has succeeded, so the check above 
is pointless.
>>> +    if(0){
>>> +    avail_frames = snd_pcm_status_get_avail(status);
>>> +    delay_frames = snd_pcm_status_get_delay(status);
>> if 0 is bad...
> I tried out pcm_status because somebody in alsa-devel mentioned that
> it allows to grab avail + delay in one (sync'ed?).
> However, I found delay to be always 0 inside status!?!
> Also, I found out that I need to call avail_update and delay
> in a particular order, otherwise I get stale values from an old call
> prior to the last sleep...
>>> +    if(avail_frames <= This->bufsize_alsa + MAX_LATE_SECONDS * 
>>> This->fmt->nSamplesPerSec
>>> +       && delay_frames > 0)
>> Isn't delay_frames < 0 the definition of underrun?
> Indeed.
> There are potentially N distinct underruns:
>  - the front end -- what snd_pcm_avail_update knows about;
>  - intermittent buffers (USB);
>  - the speaker -- what snd_pcm_delay knows about.
> There could be a short front-end buffer underrun that
> goes unnoticed by the speaker if the TCP or USB in
> between buffers enough data *and* is able to speed up.
>> no point in adding MAX_LATE_SECONDS
> That is some form of guard against broken values.  E.g. people reporting
> in alsa-devel that PA sometimes complains about avail ~ MAXINT and such weird 
> values.
>> Getting an avail update again? Why?
> The theory is:
>       position = written_frames(into ALSA) - delay
> and translates to:
>       This->written_frames - This->held_frames - delay
> However sometimes I can't trust delay.
> I still need to figure out when.
>  - IIRC after an underrun, snd_pcm_delay yields error X.
>  - or was it before starting?
>  - ...
> The upper bound on position is always:
>       This->written_frames(ReleaseBuffer) - This->held_frames - ALSA_padding
>  (what ALSA's front end has not yet processed, in absence of underrun).
> Perhaps that would be robust:
> 1. Compute upper bound
> 2. position = clamp(0, delay > 0 ? written-delay : written, upper_bound);
> 2b. except when not yet started ...
> 2c. except while stopped ...
> I was even considering:
> 3. if position < This->previous_position stick to previous...
> Yet perhaps it's better to allow intermittent garbage values
> than to stick to garbage!
> OTOH, the delay values I see in the logs are subject to such variation (with 
> PA)
> that I'm considering going with a clock instead, or perhaps:
>  - query delay once per tick (e.g. 10ms) => last_pos
>  - when asked, compute position from last_pos + time since tick * rate
> The last_pos slot may be needed anyway once stopped in pause mode.
Don't worry about underruns and checking the way you do is fragile, I prefer 0 
tracking, and just check the return value of snd_pcm_writei. Experience taught 
me this is the most stable way of doing underrun handling in alsa. Remove all 
the checks you're doing please, they will just break things more.

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