On Sat, Dec 17, 2011 at 6:29 AM, Piotr Caban <piotr.ca...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 12/16/11 11:18 PM, Aaron Faanes wrote:
>> The bug is due to msvcp90 missing its file I/O stuff.
> There's a lot of classes/functions that io classes depends on. My current
> goal is to implement cout in msvcp90, in order to do it I need to add
> support for locales first (there's still around 40 classes to implement
> before it's done).
> You can start implementing functions that don't depend on missing
> functionality, but I think it's better to implement the functionality it
> depends on first.

I agree that the locale stuff should come first. Would implementing the stubs in
dlls/msvcp90/locale.c be a good place to start?

>> My intention is to implement these classes as wrappers of ntdll's file
>> I/O API. Is this the right approach, or is there another API that is
>> more preferable?
> Streams behaviour may be affected by msvcrt related settings. If so you will
> need to use msvcrt io functions. It should be quite easy to check by e.g.
> locking stdout in msvcrt and trying to write to it using c++ functions.

Yeah, you're probably right. I can check this next week when I get
access to my XP install.

Aaron Faanes <dafr...@gmail.com>

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