I feel that we should put out a call for translators to the wider 
community. In preparation for that I updated the Wiki's Translating page 
and added a winepo script to help translators who don't want to check 
out the whole Wine source:


Here's the proposed news message for the website:

> Translators wanted!
> <p>Wine is looking for translators for the 1.4 release!</p>
> <p>Wine's translation <a href="http://fgouget.free.fr/wine-po/";>status 
> page</a> shows only 12 complete translations. We'd like to do better 
> for 1.4.</p>
> <p>Luckily, starting with 1.4 Wine uses PO files, thus making 
> translations easier than ever before. So check out how to <a 
> href="http://wiki.winehq.org/Translating";>get started</a> and help us 
> make Wine usable in your country.</p>

And here is the proposed wine-users message:

> Wine 1.4 is making good progress. Unfortunately we still have a lot of 
> translations that are quite incomplete and have no active translators, 
> thus making Wine unusable in many countries. You track progress on 
> this page:
>     http://fgouget.free.fr/wine-po/
> As you can see we currently have 12 pretty complete translations and 5 
> others that are advanced too. But that still leaves 25 languages 
> without much, not counting those that are not in the list. This page 
> also lists some suspected issues that would make easy targets for a 
> translator short on time.
> The good news is that Wine now uses standard PO files for localization 
> which makes translation easier than ever before. You even get to 
> choose between working straight on Wine's source or just editing the 
> one PO file for your language. So check out the instructions below and 
> make Wine usable for users in your country!
>     http://wiki.winehq.org/Translating

Of course if you can help translating Wine, you can also consider this 
your call to action<g>.

Francois Gouget <fgou...@free.fr>              http://fgouget.free.fr/
    I haven't lost my mind, it's backed up on tape around here somewhere...

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