W dniu 17 lutego 2012 09:20 użytkownik Frédéric Delanoy
<frederic.dela...@gmail.com> napisał:
> 2012/2/16 Adam Kłobukowski <adamklobukow...@gmail.com>:
>> Hello
>> I've been a Wine user for a long time alreadey, since all Wine could do was
>> running winesweper very slowly ;)
>> I'd like to propose a feature that could be implemented in Wine.
>> Wine does not implement all Windows APIs (yet ;)) and big parts of existing
>> implementations are only stubs. Therefore, it could be usefull if Wine would
>> be able to detect when a program tries to use a DLL that is not
>> implememnted, but is easily available for download. .NET, MSXML, VCRUN*
>> comes in mind. Instead of just failing, Wine could offer advice to the user
>> how to deal with that.
>> This could also help with APIs that are mostly stubbed, work for some use
>> cases, but are expected to fail in other - they could detect if an app is
>> trying to use unsuported case and take action.
> Problem is that some applications work even when some DLLs are mostly
> stubbed, and would fail when setting stuff to native/winetricksing,
> while other might do the opposite.
> Worse, even the same app/same version would need different workarounds...

I think detecting the need for whole APIs (.NET, etc) it could be
possible. Stubs seems more tricky, but maybe it is possible in some
well defined cases

> I really don't think we want to replicate the appdb in the code...

It does not seem to me as replicating appdb in code, at least for
APIs. Stubs, yes may seem so.

Semper Fidelis

Adam Klobukowski

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