On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 07:18:39AM -0600, Vitaliy Margolen wrote:
> On 03/12/2012 06:11 AM, Andrew Eikum wrote:
> >On Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 10:15:40AM -0600, Vitaliy Margolen wrote:
> >>That information simply does not belong on Wine wiki. It talks about
> >>making Jack work as Alsa sound device. This has nothing to do with
> >>Wine in particular. Especially that he posted the link to an
> >>external wiki which has most of this information.
> >>
> >>Let me make it a bit more clear, Wine is huge and it uses lots and
> >>lots of system libraries, packages, subsystems, features, and so on.
> >>Unless some information directly related to Wine it should not be
> >>posted on the Wine wiki. Or we'll end up with a huge collection of
> >>generic Linux/OS X/BSD/ARM/etc articles that will rot over time.
> >>
> >
> >Next time you're going to delete an entire half of a Wiki page that
> >someone clearly cares about and maintains (see the edit history),
> >please contact that someone first so we can discuss what should be
> >done about the information that doesn't belong there.
> Sorry, but I'm not going to do that. If you think that some, not
> Wine related, information belongs on Wine wiki, you better bring
> that question here. We already shot down a lot of attempts to host
> all sort of junk, including win API documentation. Which, if
> anything, more relates to Wine then how to make one sound device
> work like another sound device.

So host the content elsewhere and link to it. Revert wars on the Wiki
are not going to accomplish anything or make anybody happy. If you
can't or aren't willing to do that, then email someone who cares about
the page and ask them to clean it up. There are more options here than
"delete the content without comment."

See also:

We used to have JACK support, and we removed it. It makes sense to
have some sort of fallback for JACK users, even if it's not supported.
A very knowledgeable user found a setup that works well for him and
offered that information to us. Rather than act like a jerk and tell
him to go elsewhere with his information, I chose to take him up on
his offer. If it doesn't belong on the Wiki in exactly that form, then
let's work to find a better way to give that information to users.

> >I agree that the Wiki isn't the best place for that code, and I was
> >planning on getting around to fixing it. In the meantime, I had linked
> >to that code in Bug 29294 and now it's not there for users to find.
> >There is no emergency here that could not have been better resolved
> >by a discussion over email.
> What prevent you from attaching that code to the bug that needs it?
> And discussion with whom? That person has no wiki personal page, nor
> was he using a known nik associated with an e-mail.

If you browse the edit history for that page, you'll see that I edit
it pretty frequently. Maybe I have an opinion? No lives are going to
be lost if some inappropriate data is left on the Wiki for a weekend.

> >The fact that you've been specifically called out in two threads in
> >one weekend might be a hint that it is _your_ behavior that is
> >inappropriate.
> I've been called out in more then two threads, that doesn't bother
> me. That just an indication that no one else wants to do this work.

Or that no one wants this work done.


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