
- Improve Wine App install / App running testing

This idea is similar with Austin's early work [18], my idea is using sikuli
[19] instead of autohotkey, since sikuli is more powerful for complex work.
Sikuli using tesseract as orc engine, so if we done this job we can prevent
many font relate regression as well.

I already asked Austin about that for my GSoC proposal:

> in short, I think this effort is best spent somewhere else. GUI
> testing is really hard to get right, and very expensive(time, effort,
> disk space, cpu power, etc.).

I've since decided against GSoC for this year, but my idea revolved around improving cmd's parser, notably getting Firefox/Chromium and/or other software to build under wine (or at least, isolate potential/existing issues to non-cmd parts). I was partway through fixing http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=21174

Dan Kegel seemed pretty interested in the project. If you're interested you could e-mail him.


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