On Sun, 24 Jun 2012, Julian Rüger wrote:
>     ok( !retval, "function result wrong! False expected\n");
> or
>     ok( size == exact, "Parameter size wrong! %d expected got %d\n",
>         exact, size);
> Do you think it's worth changing these?

Not necessarily. The only thing I'd feel like changing would be to 
include the function name in the message. That said if the test fails 
you get the line number and thus can inspect the code to figure it out 
(and most likely you'll have to inspect the code anyway). I just feel 
like it's nice to know what function was tested just by looking at the 

> Do we have guidelines for strings like these?
> For example: start with a captial letter, no punctuation at the end...
> What tests have "good" style I can use as reference?

We don't have guidelines for this.

Francois Gouget <fgou...@free.fr>              http://fgouget.free.fr/
  Nouvelle version : les anciens bogues ont été remplacés par de nouveaux.

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