Am 29.08.2012 21:13, schrieb Kyle Auble:
> I'm starting to work on moving static pages to and from the wiki, but I 
> wanted to ask for opinions on a few changes first:


> 3. Do we still need the static "cvs" page, or should I just redirect any 
> links to it, then delete? On a related note, the WineHQ ToDo on the 
> wiki still claims that a browser for the old CVS source tree is 
> lurking on the site somewhere. Is that true, or do I need to cut that 
> line from the ToDo list?

get the website source and do "grep -Ri cvs *"
then ignore wwn/ and news/
the first lines already look like they need love:
> include/htaccess.sample:RedirectPermanent /dev.shtml                    
> include/htaccess.sample:RedirectPermanent /dev.html                     
> include/htaccess.sample:RedirectPermanent /devstart.shtml               
> include/htaccess.sample:RedirectMatch ^/cvsweb(.*)$                      
> include/htaccess.sample:RedirectMatch ^/*)$                    
> include/wwn.php:            if ($file == "." or $file == ".." or $file == 
> "CVS" or $file == "interviews")
and some things in templates
all that should somehow bring you to or be deleted


Best Regards, André Hentschel

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