After working on the wiki for a while, I finally wanted to ask about
possibly moving WineHQ to a CMS or web framework.

First off, while there are a couple of mentions on the wiki and mailing
lists, is there still much interest in doing this? If there is, I think
the second question is which kind of system do we want to use?

While mentions Drupal, which has a
lot of plugins and features for easy editing, I've read that a CMS can
become a hassle if your website needs to do more complex things than
serving regular chunks of content. WineHQ provides a bug-tracker, a
forum, a wiki, mailing lists, source-code browsers, and other tools
besides static content, with lots of interconnections between them. If
we did go with a web framework, we could still probably run a CMS on top
of it for the AppDB and static pages.

Finally, for the frameworks, it seems that one of the main differences
is simply which language we want to deal with. Is there a strong
preference for using a specific language? Right now the various parts
outside of Wine proper use a mix of Perl, PHP, and Python.

This also raises the question of whether there's any desire to (over the
very long term) try consolidating all the code outside Wine around one
or two languages. I'm guessing it wouldn't be worth the trouble
(different tools for different jobs), but if there is a strong reason
to, it would probably be good to pick a framework in the language we
want to emphasize.

- Kyle

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