On 9/24/12 2:48 AM, joerg-cyril.hoe...@t-systems.com wrote:

I don't think you need to override this check, esp. given that
there's a good reason for it being there:

The good reason doesn't apply in this use case. Overriding it fixes every problem I'm facing without having to do anything complicated or manual.

Note that there is a problem with this setup if the app modifies
the registry and we then need to update the prefix-default

I've excellent experience with symbolic links. In fact, none of the
apps (games) I use are installed directly within any .wine prefix.
Drive_c/Program Files/Games is a symbolic link to a large partition.

Your apps don't need to have conflicting registry settings then.  I
can't assume I'll always be so lucky.

Imagine a distro package containing a Windows game in the form of
a read-only copy of an installed prefix (into, say, /opt).

So I recommend the following setup: - Have the game's main directory
be something like /opt/games/XYZ in UNIX, but tell it to install to
C:\games/XYZ - During installation, write down all registry keys that
the app creates and every file that it stores outside of its local

Beware: the name of the directory C:\Program.. depends upon every
user's locale at .wine creation time! Use C:\Games\ instead to avoid
that pitfall.

For every user: - After .wine is created normally, add a symlink
from Drive_c/Games to /opt/games - Add registry keys or dlls needed
by the app.

wineprefixcreate ln -s /opt/games/XYZ $HOME/.wine/drive_c/games cp -p
whatever.dll $HOME/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32/ wine regedit

Trivial, isn't it?

We can't assume apps will install cleanly, or only need the files in
their install directories; copying to windows system folder does happen,
and then it becomes a real mess.

Typically, you don't need to recreate the content of user-local
APPDATA directories. The app will create them upon each run, since
they ought to run with different users on one machine.

Caveat: Although my .wine and games directories are distinct, I've no
experience with write-protecting the games partition.  Obviously,
this only has a chance to work with modern apps, written after MS
started recommending separating the app's dir from its per-local
configuration files to be since stored in ~/LOCALAPPDATA or the like.
Thus w9x/w2k-era games are ruled out.  Still, I don't know where
those apps attempt to store e.g. crash logs.

I've seen apps write high-scores or savegames to their central
directory when w2k was set in winecfg, and use HKCU/LOCALAPPDATA
(what's the exact name?) when running in xp mode.

I've made excellent experience with plenty of apps sharing a single
.wine-games prefix with such a setup.  I.e. you don't need one prefix
per app.  Like on a real box, the apps ought to be able to coexist.

Perhaps. But separate prefixes give us so many advantages here, at the mere cost of some disk space.

Drawback: when I was initially attracted to Wine 5 years ago, every
.wine was a tiny 3-4MB. Nowadays it's more than 10 times that size,
and I'm not happy with that. Using a single onion-union-fs to share
drive_c/xyz may be interesting -- for as long as one single version
of Wine is in use.

Regards, Jörg Höhle

Thank you though, you do propose one alternative.

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