On 10/14/2012 01:40 AM, Max TenEyck Woodbury wrote:

AJ and DT can both speak for themselves, and have just done so.  It
is now AJs decision.  There are criteria beyond the two you mentioned,
but it is rare to see them come into play.  Few people know enough to
even recognize such problems.  While far from an expert on such matters,
I have enough background to recognize a situation that might be
troublesome.  I think this could be one of those situations and I have
urged AJ to consult a real expert on the subject.  I do NOT see this as
dissing AJ in any way.  In fact, He has stated the basic facts quite
well.  I am pointing at an additional factor he should consider.  If
people are discouraged from bringing such points up, as you are doing,
the project could end up in trouble that could have been avoided.
You know, discussing is a good thing and the end result is often positive so no one want to hush you up.
In principle, people expose their point of view and argue with evidences.

Saying "I have enough background" then "[I'm] far from an expert" and previously "check with a *copyright* lawyer" means "I don't know but believe me" so that's not a valid argument.
Do you have any test case [proving there's a need to fix something] ?
If so, we could reconsider your patch.
If not, it's then gratuitous.

Using CAPITALS! and *bold words* is not a good behaviour.
I don't know you but reading your responses makes me think you're a child crying and shouting for having some candies.
Don't take it bad, it's just my [personal] impression.

If you want to discuss, accept others arguments and reply calmly with evidences. AJ position is quite clear : wine aims to be [bug-for-bug] compatible with Windows.

Finally, do you know basetds.h is a public header ?

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