On Wed, 17 Oct 2012, Erich E. Hoover wrote:

> I just upgraded to 12.04, until they fix the "32-bit headers problem"
> you'll have to manually create the symbolic links for the "-dev"
> package behavior:

I ran into pretty much the same set of problems with Wine on Debian 
Testing. However some development packages are already 
multiarch-compatible so I installed them and created a bit fewer 
symbolic links than you. In particular I was able to install the 
following i386 development packages:

   libtinfo-dev:i386 (needed for ncurses)

I also made a list of the packages that need to be fixed in order for 
work on Wine to be possible without so much complication, and made sure 
we have bugs to track the status of each of them. I am sure the 
maintainers would appreciate some help so here are the multiarch fixes 
needed for Wine development:

 * These all seem to be fixable trivially. Double-check and submit a 
   patch? The Debian freeze might block your efforts though :-(
   libfontconfig1-dev - #677885
   libgl1-mesa-dev - #678040, #689088
   libglu1-mesa-dev - #678040, #689089
   libgnutls-dev - #678070
   libosmesa6-dev - #678040
   libxcomposite-dev - #689082
   libxfixes-dev - #677657
   libxrandr-dev - #678895
   libxvmc1 - #640499 (well the work seems to have been done in any case)
   libxxf86vm-dev - #678898

 * These have yet to be analyzed to figure out if there are obstacles
   or not.
   libcups2-dev - #689084
   libgphoto2-2-dev - #689083
   libgstreamer0.10-dev - #689090
   libnss-mdns - #686984
   libpng12-dev - #689092, #673642
   libsane-dev - #689073, #672495
   libxi-dev - #689068

 * The freetype-config tool is the point of contention.
   libfreetype6-dev - #666761

 * The point of contention here is xslt-config. This is probably 
   somewhat similar to the freetype-config issue.
   libxslt1-dev - #689091

 * These have platform-dependent headers which makes fixing much harder. 
   Either the headers can be made platform-independent upstream 
   (assuming it even makes sense), or it will have to wait for the 
   build toolchain to be updated:

   libdbus-1-dev - #689071
   libncurses5-dev / libncursesw5-dev - #689131, #646761, #646977
   libssl-dev - #689093, #638137
   libtiff4-dev - #689085

 * The maintainer says that any application that still uses HAL is buggy 
   and that he will not fix this package :-(
   libhal1, libhal1-dev - #638839

 * Broken by other packages. See above.
   libxcursor-dev - broken by libxfixes-dev
   libgl1-nvidia-glx - broken by libxvmc1

 * These are not needed by Wine but I need them to compile other stuff 
   so I'm including them here. For most of these the GObject 
   introspection data causes trouble.
   libatk1.0-dev - #689124 (to be checked)
   libcairo2-dev - #689122 (to be checked)
   libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev - #689125 (introspection)
   libglib2.0-dev - #683593 (likely introspection)
   libgtk2.0-dev - #689097 (introspection)
   libpango1.0-dev - #683592 (trivial)

Here are some references for anyone not yet familiar with multiarch on 

 * Multiarch HOWTO for users

 * Multiarch package manager specification

 * All the links

Francois Gouget <fgou...@free.fr>              http://fgouget.free.fr/
The nice thing about meditation is that it makes doing nothing quite respectable
                                  -- Paul Dean

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