On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 10:03 PM, Ann and Jason Edmeades
<ja...@edmeades.me.uk> wrote:
> Existance of external environment variables should not cause
> make test to fail, but it can cause extra lines in some of the
> set commands if the test does not first clear them out.
> [Fixes bug 32087]

> diff --git a/programs/cmd/tests/test_builtins.cmd 
> b/programs/cmd/tests/test_builtins.cmd
> index a1a3c4a..3efcd2a 100644
> --- a/programs/cmd/tests/test_builtins.cmd
> +++ b/programs/cmd/tests/test_builtins.cmd
> @@ -239,6 +239,9 @@ set FOO=
> echo ------------ Testing 'set' ------------
> call :setError 0
> +rem Remove any FOO* BA* environment variables from shell before proceeding
> +for /f "delims==" %%i in ('set ba') do set %%i=
> +for /f "delims==" %%i in ('set foo') do set %%i=
> set FOOBAR 2> nul > nul
> echo %ErrorLevel%
> set FOOBAR =  baz

IMHO it might be better to use variable names like WINE_xxx for tests
involving "enumerations" to avoid needlessly altering the environment.
(not that BAR, FOO or FOOBAR are likely to be already used environment


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