* On Wed, 20 Feb 2013, André Hentschel wrote:

> this patch series removes the broken SPARC support.
> Reasons:
>  * It's broken, i wasted enough time already trying to fix that

It's sad to hear.  Can you be more verbose on brokenness, please?
Eg. namely what Sparc platform were you using for development?

>  * Nobody cares - I sent an e-mail to everyone ever related to 
> Wine/SPARC based on addresses from our mailing lists - no answer in a 
> week (and cw also has no customers for it)

You didn't catch this then:
I care :)

>  * If someone _would_ care the right thing to do would be a clean SPARC 
> 64-bit port

So, the old port was 32-bit or mixed or what?

>  * It really can confuse people (more than a ARM/ARM64 port xD)

You mean random readers about host platforms Wine runs on;)?

>  * SPARC is dead on the Desktop 


> And last but not least: I had a bad experience with the Solaris 
> community regarding Wine/SPARC

Oh.  Is there any related public messages on the net?  It would 
interesting to read and know those stories.


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