Hey Vincent,

First thank you for your input :)

On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 11:57 AM, Vincent Povirk <madewokh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Given that Wine uses winelib for its builtin exe's and dll's, and that
> the way it works is not much different from a PE exe or dll, I don't
> think winelib is likely to be at fault here. My guess is that you are
> running into an ordinary Wine bug relating to your specific dll (and
> probably Wine's 64-bit support, since that's a little-used feature).

Well, do you have any recommendations on how to debug this further, to
know whether or not that is the case? (bug in Wine64). Many of the
64bit VSTs/DLLs that i load into our test64.exe (winelib app) can be
loaded into SAVIHOST (64bit) and run just fine in Wine64 ~ they just
aren't useful, since i need jack-audio-connection-kit support, but do
not crash either.

So i don't think this is a case of Wine's 64bit support being poor. ~
i have run many 64bit proaudio apps in Wine, before even
attempting/exploring trying to support it in FSThost. ie: I've tested
several dozen 64bit apps or 64bit dlls hosted by SAVIhost, none of
them crashed.

> I think the best thing you can do is file a Wine bug and simplify your
> test case as much as you can.
> Are there any freeware 64-bit Windows programs that would be able to
> load your plugin dll? If so, do they work in Wine?

You've got it backwards, we are laoding 64bit dlls into our app, not
the other way around. But as explained above, Yes, the 64bit VSTs
(.dll) do load in SAVIhost 64 ~ and 'standalone versions of various
plugins (ie: an .EXE not .DLL). Also run in 64bit Wine.

> How hard would it be to write a simple program that does just enough
> to reproduce the crash? If that works, you could recompile it as a PE
> exe and see if that makes a difference (I don't think it will).

I'll look into this. It doesn't sound hard to do.

> Do you have the source code of the dll that crashes? If not, maybe you
> should write your own stub plugin that you can compile for 64 bits.
> That way, you can at least verify that you ported your application
> correctly, and that it can work for a 64-bit dll that's not affected
> by Wine bugs.

I might be able to get source code for a 64bit VST/dll - but ideally,
i need the one's that don't have any source code to run ;)

I'll look into this as well / pass on the info.



PS: if anyone else has comments, tips, etc - don't hesitate to jump
into the conversation! ;)

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