On Apr 13, 2013, Charles Davis wrote:
> STOP! You should modify server/protocol.def instead. The file you changed is 
> automatically generated from protocol.def, along with a bunch of other files 
> needed to make the server interface magic work.

>> On Apr 13, 2013, at 7:39 AM, Hugh McMaster wrote:
>> The interesting thing about server/request.h is that the handler 
>> declarations appear in the area of the file commented as automatically 
>> generated.

>Of course they do. The Perl script tools/make_requests is responsible for 
>generating those declarations from server/protocol.def. It is also 
>responsible for generating include/wine/server_protocol.h, and pieces of 
>server/trace.c. You should not have to manually change any of them (other
>than protocol.def, of course). You might, however, have to run make_requests 
>manually, though (the makefiles, for some reason, won't invoke it for 

This was the key piece of information I needed.  I never knew I had to run 
tools/make_requests, so I was making all of the changes to the various server 
files manually. After running tools/make_requests, Wine compiled perfectly.

I am having a bit of trouble with the server though.

In server/window.c, I've got the following code for testing purposes.

/* retrieve the desktop workarea */
    int screen_h = req->spi_workarea.bottom;
    reply->screen_x = 1680;
    reply->screen_y = screen_h;

I'm also using the following server request in programs/wineconsole.c (again, 
for testing):

typedef struct
    int  left;
    int  top;
    int  right;
    int  bottom;
} rectangle_t;

rectangle_t workarea;
SystemParametersInfoA(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, &workarea, 0);

SERVER_START_REQ( get_desktop_workarea )
    if(!wine_server_call_err( req ))
        req->spi_workarea.bottom = workarea.bottom;
        printf("wineconsole.c: width: %d, height: %d\n", reply->screen_x, 

The terminal output is unexpected. screen_width is 1680, as you would expect 
from a hard-coded constant. screen_height is 0, though. It should be 1025.

Is there something special/different that needs to be done for the server to 
accept input?

Once again, thank you for your help.

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