Happy birthday, dear Doc.  We are all blessed that you were born!


Sent from Africa

> On Mar 25, 2014, at 7:49 PM, Clayton Stromberger 
> <cstromber...@austin.utexas.edu> wrote:
> ¡Feliz Cumpleaños, Méd!  
> Michael and all have have said it so well.  The excitement and eagerness I 
> saw in the eyes of 4th graders I worked with today -- "More lines!" said 
> many, "A smoke machine for the Banquo murder scene!" insisted a little 
> buzz-headed boy -- is a direct testament to the utterly unique way in which 
> you brought these texts into our hearts.  
> Most of all, I honor your vigitance today, as Dogberry might say.  It has not 
> wavered from the first day I sat in your lamp-lit office and heard you talk 
> about this place I'd never been, about how the students would stay up late in 
> this barn doing improvisations, and hustle back from lunch so as not to miss 
> a moment… how they grew to become an ensemble, and shared, and gave, and 
> loved.  I heard:  an invitation.  And it goes on, I see, as your soul prompts 
> it.  Thanks and ever thanks for that.
> Love to you and your sweet wife and that great grand family and that funny 
> dog,
>  -- Clayton 
> On Mar 25, 2014, at 5:16 PM, "Barker, Michael" <michael_bar...@spe.sony.com>
>  wrote:
>> Happy Birthday Doc.
>> I can't imagine what it must feel like to have a legacy like yours, which 
>> starts with kids, Shakespeare and a barn and from there keeps on giving year 
>> in year out. On top of the actual initial volatile experience, you, Doc, get 
>> to see the ramifications of that experience 10, 20, 30, even 40 years later. 
>> Just think of the sheer number of people whose lives have been changed by 
>> you. Incredible.
>> We love you, your legacy lives forever. Happy Birthday, Doc. I would sing 
>> it, but I hate that song.
>> michael b
>> From: Robert Stevens [mailto:rstev...@austin.rr.com] 
>> Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 05:45 PM
>> To: Lynn McGuire <lynnedwardsmcgu...@hotmail.com> 
>> Cc: shakespeare-at-winedale-email-l...@googlegroups.com 
>> <shakespeare-at-winedale-email-l...@googlegroups.com>; Winedale Reunion list 
>> <winedale-l@lists.wikimedia.org> 
>> Subject: Re: [Winedale-l] Happy Birthday, Doc! 
>> Happy Birthday, Doc!   Thank you for getting me started on the path to my 
>> life long ambition of doing all Shakespeare's plays and instilling me with 
>> the passion to get it done.
>> R
>>> On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 4:09 PM, Lynn McGuire 
>>> <lynnedwardsmcgu...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>> Happy, Happy Birthday Doc!!
>>> From: bruce.me...@utsouthwestern.edu
>>> To: alicegor...@earthlink.net
>>> Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 15:02:24 +0000
>>> CC: shakespeare-at-winedale-email-l...@googlegroups.com; 
>>> winedale-l@lists.wikimedia.org
>>> Subject: Re: [Winedale-l] Happy Birthday, Doc!
>>> I would echo the joyful wishes
>>> Take some time to savor your accomplishments (we are among them) and your 
>>> family
>>> Bruce
>>> On Mar 25, 2014, at 9:58 AM, "Alice Gordon" <alicegor...@earthlink.net> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Oh, boy, Madge, yay, and I'll do the same for camp, dear Doc. It's become a 
>>> habit to say I am VERY glad you were born, but such good habits must be 
>>> kept to. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY.
>>> Love,
>>> Alice
>>> On Mar 25, 2014, at 10:16 AM, Madge Darlington wrote:
>>> Hey Doc,
>>> ¡Feliz cumpleaños!  I'll use the occasion of your birthday to put a check 
>>> in the mail for Camp Shakespeare.  Hope you have an excellent day doing 
>>> what you love.
>>> Much love,
>>> Madge
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