You precious winners all!

The 2nd annual Camp Shakespeare HornRaiser
<> is live!!! It has never been
easier to donate to the programming we love. No amount is too small or too
large!!! Donate, share the link, spread the word!

Any questions? Feel free to write to me and ask. There are categories of
giving set up but you can click on *any category* to set it to *any
amount *that
you want to give.

You can designate your gifts to honor someone or to memorialize someone.
The HornRaiser platform makes it easy, but I am happy to walk you through
the process. My cell phone is below and you can text or call me.

Robin and Doc are excellent stewards of our donations. I know when I make a
donation it directly supports exemplary programming for campers.

As Mr. Shakespeare says: If money go before, all ways do lie open.

Here's the link again! <>

Much love to all,
*Madge Darlington*
(512) 627-6038
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