I'm trying to use winpcap to build a software bridge using two lan cards
-- but seem to be in an infinite feedback loop.  I open both NIC's using
pcap_open( "rpcap://theDeviceName1", ... ) and "rpcap::/theDeviceName2".
Then I start two threads, each collecting frames on one of the NIC's
using pcap_next_ex().  Immediately after reading a frame, the reading
thread sends the frame out untouched to the other NIC using
pcap_sendpacket().  Unfortunately, as soon as I send a frame on a NIC,
it's immediately read back in and sent out the other NIC (where it's
immediately read back in and sent back out the original NIC).  The frame
ping-pong's back and forth forever generating LOTS of network traffic!

Is there any way to prevent the pcap_next_ex() function from reading
back in a frame just sent with pcap_sendpacket()?

Rick Bowers
Hewlett-Packard Company

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