Hey Jungle,

On Sat, Jun 2, 2018 at 9:08 AM, Jungle Boogie <jungleboog...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Interesting behavior. I don't know the reason behind it, though.

I figured the whole thing out, and wrote up a really detailed commit here:

Might be of general interest.

> I do still see this in the install file:
> curl -sLO "$URI_KMODTOOLS"
> curl -sLO "$URI_GO"

Nice catch -- I changed these to ftp(1) as well.

> The process for getting the tunnel working on openBSD is similar to linux, but
> the interface is tun and starts with tun0.

Yea, OpenBSD annoyingly does not support arbitrary network interface
names, so I have to do a fake mapping in wg-quick.

> Once I'm more confident with the steps, I'll write something up.

Great, thanks. Any status on actually getting these made into proper
packages, so people aren't as inclined to rely on the script, which is
only intended as a stopgap solution?

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