Hey list,

I submitted patchset v1 of WireGuard to LKML a few minutes ago:

[0/3] https://marc.info/?l=linux-netdev&m=153306429108040&w=2
[1/3] https://marc.info/?l=linux-netdev&m=153306429908043&w=2
[2/3] https://marc.info/?l=linux-netdev&m=153306437408074&w=2
[3/3] https://marc.info/?l=linux-netdev&m=153306440208084&w=2

I'm pretty elated, as getting v1 out the door marks a major milestone.

I expect for the first submission to be mercilessly criticized from
all sorts of interesting and useful angles. There will most certainly
be a v2, and it will be better because of whatever intense criticism
received from v1. So hold on tight: a wild process is about to begin.

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