Please check if you have any network adapter that has a name similar to the 
tunnel name you are trying to use (Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network 
Connections). WireGuard needs to have a network adapter with the name that 
corresponds to the tunnel name. In your case, it fails naming it.

Maybe you named your Ethernet/Wifi adapter as "MyCompany", and then created a 
WireGuard tunnel with the same name "MyCompany". Maybe you have a WiFi SSID 
named "MyCompany". Try picking different name for your WireGuard tunnel. Other 
than WireGuard tunnel and adapter names must be aligned internal limitation, 
the name of the tunnel doesn't play any significant role. You can select a 
different name (e.g. "MyCompanyWG", "wg0", etc.) and try again.

Best regards,


From: WireGuard <> On Behalf Of Mark Nichols
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2019 8:04 PM
Subject: Unable to create Wintun Interface

I've just installed Wireguard on Windows 10 64-bit using the msi installer. 
When I create a tunnel and try to connect, I get:

Unable to create Wintun interface: Error creating interface: Unable to set 
name of Wintun interface: NciSetConnectionName failed: The requested operation 
was made in the context of a transaction that is no longer active.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled from the command prompt as the 

I have validated the tunnel works with the configured parameters on a Mac.

Any suggestions?

Mark Nichols
Discrimination, oppression, and injustice are challenges to be overcome, tools 
to sharpen our determination, and reflections on the poor character of the 
oppressor. Lack of opportunity is a calling to create something new and 
better. If we choose to see circumstances as something to overcome on our way 
to success instead of allowing them to define us as a victim, we retain the 
power to pursue our highest destiny.

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