Using multiple connections at once is fraught with problems in the first place 
(see the complexities of teaming and bonding nics) but you can do a simple 
failover system using Babeld + Wireguard

Althea uses this for failover. In earlier versions of Wireguard it was quite 
bad (60 second switch times) but more recently handshake re-negotiation is 
triggered on the fly.

The whole process for Babel to detect the failure, reroute to some other Babeld 
node advertising the same IP and then for that Wireguard server and the client 
to renegotiate and get traffic flowing takes only a few seconds (about 5 in my 

  Justin Kilpatrick

On Tue, Mar 31, 2020, at 3:22 AM, Alex Besogonov wrote:
> Hi, list!
> I’ve read the source code Wireguard implementations and it appears that 
> true multihoming seems to be impossible with the current protocol. By 
> true multihoming I mean possibility of using multiple connections at 
> the same time, preferably with configurable rates for them on both 
> sides.
> A typical use-case would be a small office using two independent ISPs 
> to connect to a Wireguard server, so that failure of one of them would 
> not cause service interruption. Or a mobile user with an LTE and WiFi 
> connections used simultaneously.
> Any ideas on how this could be implemented?

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