On Thu, Apr 16, 2020 at 06:23:01PM +0200, Hans Kraus wrote:
I'm a newbie to wireguard and trying to install a working environment,
starting with one server and one client. First I used the example in
and got it working.

To get a more persistent installation I followed the example in
<https://wiki.debian.org/Wireguard>, with one server and one client,
"Step 2 - Alternative C - systemd". My server has a fixed ip4 address,
my client(s) get their addresses via DHCP (home network and road
warrior). My two "/etc/systemd/network" files on my server are:

Description=Wireguard kraush

PrivateKey=<private key server>
At least on current systemd (245.5) It is called: ``PrivateKeyFile''.
Please not the "File" part.

Please look up under ``man systemd.netdev'' if it is also ``PrivateKeyFile''
Btw. you could use wg-quick Service with normal WG-config .


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