Hi All,

I am trying to run wireguard-go on windows for debugging purpose only
and seem to get the below error.

Login user is local admin on the box and it is run as administrator. Plz advice.

c:\Go\wire-win\wireguard-go>.\wireguard.exe wg0
Warning: this is a test program for Windows, mainly used for debugging
this Go package. For a real WireGuard for Windows client, the repo you
want is <https://git.zx2c4.com/wireguard-windows/>, which includes
this code as a module.
INFO: (wg0) 2021/02/24 22:09:55 Starting wireguard-go version 0.0.20201118
DEBUG: (wg0) 2021/02/24 22:09:55 Debug log enabled
2021/02/24 22:09:55 [Wintun] CreateAdapter: Creating adapter
DEBUG: (wg0) 2021/02/24 22:09:56 UDP bind has been updated
INFO: (wg0) 2021/02/24 22:09:56 Device started
ERROR: (wg0) 2021/02/24 22:09:56 Failed to listen on uapi socket: open
\\.\pipe\ProtectedPrefix\Administrators\WireGuard\wg0: This security
ID may not be assigned as the owner of this object.


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