On Sat, 3 Apr 2021 06:27:40 +0200
Giovanni Francesco <thelinux...@mail.com> wrote:

> Hi, I am looking to understand if "EndPoint" IP data may be shared among 
> peers within the tunnel?
> The question may sound confusing, let me explain my setup.
> I have a static IPv4 wireguard server (let's call it "A" peer) which has two 
> downstream WG clients peers "B" and "C" on remote networks with dynamic WAN 
> IPs (roaming).
> In my current configuration all my clients "B" and "C" have a single peer "A" 
> - therefore all traffic must always go to "A" - "A" is in a datacenter in 
> another country.
> "B" and "C" have dynamic every changing IP "EndPoint" information, in my 
> current setup this is not a problem because "A" is a static host.
> If "B" and "C" are connected to "A" - is it possible for me to make B and C 
> peers of eachother without "EndPoint" ?
> In other words, if B public key is a peer of C and vise versa would its 
> connection to "A" share the IP addresses ("EndPoint" or where to go) 
> downstream to "B" and "C" so they can establish direct connectivity or would 
> traffic always need to continue to traverse via "A"?

No, peer A will not tell peer B the current IP/port of peer C.

Check out other tools, for instance Tinc can do this, but not WG.

With respect,

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