On 2021-09-09 2:42 p.m., Jason A. Donenfeld wrote:
So how exactly were
you "seeing" the ARP requests on the Wintun interface? Did wireshark
show it? Or did you read from the Wintun ring and actually see an ARP
frame? Or something else? Or was this just a manner of speaking and
you didn't actually observe ARP frames themselves?
You're right to suspect that I was speaking imprecisely here.  We have never seen an ARP request appear on the Wintun interface!  I meant to say that we have noticed the ARP table for the Wintun interface accumulating entries.

We _think_ that the NeighborDiscoverySupported property being Yes means
that Windows issues ARP requests for addresses on the Wintun interface.
That seems like a good intuition. I'm wondering whether that's
something you're assuming or something you read on a Microsoft
website. I ask because this might provide a good entry point for
whatever reverse engineering I wind up doing to fix this.
I pieced this together from a few scraps.

On the MIB_IPINTERFACE_ROW page[1], the docs only tersely say:

"A value that specifies if the IP interface support neighbor discovery."

Microsoft seems to use the same terminology when documenting SetIpNetEntry2()[2]:

"The SetIpNetEntry2 function sets the physical address of an existing neighbor IP address entry on the local computer."

And then, most importantly, MIB_IPNET_ROW2, the structure used by that function says this in its Remarks section[3]:

"For IPv4, this includes addresses determined used the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP). For IPv6, this includes addresses determined using the Neighbor Discovery (ND) protocol for IPv6 as specified in RFC 2461. "

So, it seems that the "NetEntry" APIs are those that deal with ARP (and ND) entries, and the term Microsoft uses for that is "neighbor discovery".

I don't know if the SupportsNeighborDiscovery field of MIB_INTERFACE_ROW is implied by other properties of the network interface (such as "all Ethernet interfaces support ARP") or whether it can be individually set at all.

One other detail is that we have the gateway for the tunnel's routes set to (or "::").  I presume that also influences how Windows decides which addresses might be on-link neighbours.

1. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/netioapi/ns-netioapi-mib_ipinterface_row 2. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/netioapi/nf-netioapi-setipnetentry2 3. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/netioapi/ns-netioapi-mib_ipnet_table2

Brad Spencer

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