Hey all,

I guess this topic is, at the very least, not new, but there is still no 
solution. In the country where I live internet censorship increases year after 
year and more network operators start blocking WG. With that being done I'm 
stuck to ShadowSocks which is slower and less secure on desktops then WG. That 
said I decided to implement obfuscation for WG at least for my own use and 
kindly asking for code review and possible improvements:


To my understanding there are several ways WG is detected by DPI
* Port 51820 (easily fixed)
* 4-byte message tag
* Fixed message lengths
* MAC2 which is all zeroes, unless cookie message is received (high load 

To make detection more difficult two things are being done
* handshake initiation, response and cookie messages are padded with random 
sized garbage
* Up to 192 bytes of each message is encrypted with obfuscation key derived 
from peer public key (different keys are used in different directions).

I have tools and Linux driver working already so anyone interested can try this 

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