
I think we have a bug. If I am right, basically in both IPv4 and IPv6 
extensions, withMemoryRebound takes capacity which is actually a number of 
instances of a given type (sockaddr_ variant) and not the byte size of a 

Could you please patch your WireGuardKit with the following commit and see if 
it helps? 


Best regards,
Andrey Mikhaylov

> On 13 Sep 2022, at 14:41, Houman <hou...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My existing Wireguard iOS implementation stopped working after
> upgrading to Xcode 14 today.
> When trying to connect to servers that support only IPv4, then it's
> fine. But if the server supports both IPv6 and IPv4 then the tunnel
> crashes:
> This IPv6 extension in
> wireguard-apple/Sources/WireGuardKit/IPAddress+AddrInfo.swift crashes
> with a Fatal Error at addrInfo.ai_addr.withMemoryRebound()
> The whole extension below:
> extension IPv6Address {
>    init?(addrInfo: addrinfo) {
>        guard addrInfo.ai_family == AF_INET6 else { return nil }
>        let addressData = addrInfo.ai_addr.withMemoryRebound(to:
> sockaddr_in6.self, capacity: MemoryLayout<sockaddr_in6>.size) { ptr ->
> Data in
>            return Data(bytes: &ptr.pointee.sin6_addr, count:
> MemoryLayout<in6_addr>.size)
>        }
>        self.init(addressData)
>    }
> }
> Has anyone else experienced this problem?
> Thanks,

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